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Rec League Fall/Winter 2023/2024 Championship Game

Rec League Fall/Winter 2023/2024 Championship Game

About the League

NYCPHA Rec League is a great way to get some exercise, help novice players learn the game, and intermediate players to fine tune their skills. Novices will feel comfortable playing in this league because of its low pressure atmosphere and the added benefit of playing with and learning from more experienced players.

Games are played at Chelsea Piers Sky Rink every Sunday at 4:00 PM and 5:30 PM with the exception of scheduled bye weeks. We operate two seasons per year: Spring/Summer (March - August) and Fall/Winter (September - February). Registration for each season typically starts 6-8 weeks before the start of the season.

The NYCPHA Rec League differs from the Sky Rink Adult Hockey League in two key ways: 

  • All players are members of the NYCPHA, and must adhere to our Code of Conduct. Members must support a friendly, welcoming environment for all players. We are an LGBTQ+ Community driven organization, and our league is centered around this community and mission. 
  • All teams are evenly assigned novice and intermediate players in order to keep games fun and competitive. Novices will feel comfortable playing in this league because of its low pressure atmosphere and the added benefit of playing with and learning from more experienced players. 

If you are interested, please fill out a Self Evaluation Form. Depending on your hockey experience, we may suggest other leagues or a higher level NYCPHA team that might be a better fit for your skill level. The NYCPHA board has the right to remove a player from Rec League if they are considered to not meet our eligibility criteria and/or do not comply with the policies of the league.

Game Format

Each game will have a 5-minute warm-up period followed by either three 15-minute stop-time periods. There will be a 1-minute intermission between periods. 

In the event of a tie at the end of regulation, a 5-minute sudden death running time 4-on-4 overtime will IMMEDIATELY start. The first team to score in overtime wins.  If neither team scores, a shootout will decide the game. The shootout will start with a best of three. If still tied after the best of three, then the shootout goes to sudden death.

In the event there is only one goal tender, the game will go straight to a shoot out.

In a shootout, the captain must pre-select their first three shooters who will wait on the ice for their turn to shoot. All other players including the captain must remain on the bench. No player may shoot twice until all players have shot at least once.

Game Rules

Games will be played under standard USA Hockey rules with the following exceptions:

  • Icing will be called when a player shoots the puck across both blue lines and the opposing team’s goal line, and the puck remains untouched (“Blue-line Icing”). Any pucks shot from outside a team’s own defensive zone will not be considered icing.

  • No changes are allowed on icing.

  • Faceoffs may only occur on the nine faceoff dots.

  • When stop-time is in effect, an eight goal differential will result in running time.

  • Faceoffs stay in the zone if the puck goes out of play directly off the net.

  • No single player can score more than three goals in any single game, including overtime and shootout, a.k.a., "The Hattrick Rule".  Any goal scored violating this rule shall be disallowed, and a faceoff shall occur at center ice. 

  • Slapshots are allowed.

Playoff Seeding:

  1. Total Points
  2. Head to head
  3. Number of wins
  4. Fewest goals against

Team Jerseys

The NYCPHA will loan Full-Time skaters a jersey at the beginning of the season for the team you are assigned, unless you own that one already.

At the end of the season, you are required to return your rental jersey in reusable condition if you're not assigned to the same team. We look for the following when determining if a jersey is reusable:

  • Extreme discoloration

  • Large tears

  • Shrinkage of jersey as evidenced by damaged front logo

  • Any permanent additions to the original jersey

If you do not return your jersey or the jersey is deemed to not be reusable, then you will be charged for the jersey (currently $65).

Alternate Skaters will be provided a jersey to use for the day of the game, subject to availability in your size. Captains will let you know what color to bring if you choose to wear your own in a matching color.

Alternate Skaters


If you do not wish to be a Full-time skater or are reaching out in the middle of a season, we do allow for Alternate Substitute skaters in the league. Please review the Alternate Policies and Procedures:

  • Complete the Self-Evaluation Form if you are new to the organization.

  • Once we confirm that your ability level matches Rec League, if you have not already done so, become a member of the NYCPHA. Please note that membership dues are non-refundable.

  • After you are confirmed to play in Rec League you can purchase Rec League Alternate Passes. If you do not use all your prepaid passes by the end of a season, they will automatically carry over to following seasons. Also, if you do not have any passes available, you will not be able to be selected as an alternate.

Accept the invitation to join SportsEngine. Usually, we will get back to you within a few days. This website and app is where you will be able to access the full schedule and RSVP for games. 

  • In order to be considered for team placement any given week, you must have pre-paid alternate passes as described above.

  • RSVP "Maybe" in SportsEngine in the "Alternates" team by noon on the Thursday before each game.

  • If you are assigned to a team, your RSVP will be changed to "Yes" on Friday, and a note will be placed by your RSVP indicating which team you are assigned to for the week. You will also receive an email from the team captain.

  • If we are unable to place you on a team for that week, we may contact you if any players drop between Friday and Sunday, so make sure to keep your status updated over the weekend.  

  • If you are assigned to a team and you are unable to play for any reason, your alternate pass will still be deducted.

Warming up a Goalie

During the warm up time when shooting on our goaltenders, please see below for  warming up a goalie safely and properly. 

  1. The idea is to warm up the goalie, not practice your shots or score goals; the points don’t matter.

  2. Wait for the net to be in place and in the pegs to begin shooting.

  3. Even though the goalie may be in front of the net they may just be warming up their body (doing butterfly slides, etc.) but not ready to take shots yet.

  4. Wait your turn and wait for the goalie to give eye contact or a nod to signify they’re ready for you.

  5. First shots should aim at the pads so they can get a feel for shots.

  6. Harder shots should then happen farther away so they can track them.

Don’t shoot when a back is turned - They’re most likely taking the time away from their warmup to set up the goal pegs. Even shots on the lighter side aren't expected.

Don’t shoot high - Those shots are not fun to deal with and could accidentally hit their head leaving an unpleasant ringing in the head.

Don’t deke - If everyone starts deking in the warm-ups, the goalie is going to be awfully tired from all of that up-and-down action by the time the game starts and risk the chance of pulling a muscle.

We depend on our goalies continuing to show up weekend after weekend and it can be frustrating and unsafe for them if players aren't following these simple best practices. Please also check out this video.

Submit Feedback

The New York City Pride Hockey Alliance's (NYCPHA) mission is to provide an environment free of harassment and discrimination for members and friends of the LGBTQ+ community to play ice hockey and fulfill their athletic aspirations.

We achieve these goals when the spaces in which we play are safe. If you have a concern involving yourself or another player, please fill out the form below.

We are most concerned with making sure all our players are comfortable and have opportunities for growth. We hope to facilitate such conversations and opportunities. 

Fill out the form here.


Please email us if you have any questions about Rec League not covered here.